Integra Homes & Land Blog

Time Out Charity Golf Tournament

Time Out has provided a vital service to victims of domestic violence in Payson and Gila County for the past 26 years. Integra participated in a golf tournament benefiting Time Out to help accelerate its capital campaign to build a new shelter.

As you are may know, domestic violence continues to be a problem for so many. Each day, someone dies or is hospitalized from DV. Our programs at the TimeOut Shelter not only help educate survivors, but we also house clients (which includes children) and help them safely transition back into society after they have left their abuser. Our current emergency shelter is in dire need of replacing. We are currently the only facility serving all of Gila County, which spans nearly 5,000 square miles. We have 28 beds and are almost always full. It is our “mission to provide a safe sanctuary from abuse and domestic violence for the purpose of healing and growth.”

To learn more about Time Out Shelter and how you can help, please visit their website.

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